Pasqual Maragall Legacy

Book presentation "Barrio y crisis. Crisis económica, segregación urbana e innovación social en Cataluña".

The Fundació Catalunya Europa, together with the College of Architects of Figueres and Girona, are organizing the presentation of the book "Barrios y crisis. Economic crisis, urban segregation and social innovation in Catalonia" by Ismael Blanco, Quim Brugué and Oriol Nel·lo, co-authors of the book, who will present the work and will open a debate on urban segregation and social innovation in the counties of Girona, with special reference to the areas of Figueres and Girona.

The presentation will take place:

- Tuesday, December 18 at 6:00 PM at the COAC in Figueres

- Tuesday, December 18 at 9:00 p.m. at the COAC in Girona, in a dinner-party format. The price of the dinner is € 30.

If you want to attend one of the two acts, it is essential to confirm your attendance at In the case of dinner, the payment must be made in advance before December 14.


2018  Catalonia