Publications of the Legacy Pasqual Maragall
The Pasqual Maragall Legacy Program allocates an important part of its budget to research. In this section we publish the results of the different Research Aid granted each year by the Foundation and the different working-papers that it handles over the main lines of thought of Pasqual Maragall.
I per què no? El retorn de la bicicleta a Barcelona (1977-1997)
Àngel Cebollada Santiago Gorostiza Azahara Sillero
Urban structure and segregation: A century in Barcelona
Rosella Nicolini José Luis Roig Sabaté Miquel Àngel Garcia López
New challenges and new municipal governance
Tomàs Font Vicenç Aguado Eliseo Aja Ramon Galindo Ricard Gràcia Àlex Peñalver Marc Vilalta
Early school leaving and quality of government in European regions
Marc Tataret Francesc Colomé Clara Martínez
A study on the doctrinal sources in the economic writings of Pasqual...
Eloi Serrano Javier San Julián
Pasqual Maragall: thought and action
Oriol Nel·lo Joan Fuster-Sobrepere Quim Brugué Jaume Bellmunt Jaume Badia